Friday, August 19, 2011

Lots of fun projects!

I am very excited right now! Working on three projects for the rest of this year. The first one is of course the little Lioness "episodes" on our common website (link is on the right side thefragmentedworld).

 Also by halloween we will have a miniature of the Sararohn underworld....It consists of a prison where young girls are tortured by the king of that place (Hades) also his captured bride Persephone's room. Various other parts of the dungeon are also being made...Horror chef's speciall menu "underbody of young maid on golden pasta!" because of adult content I have to figure out the best way of putting a restriction...

One other project is our "doll story" project, making some original characters (costumes toys etc...With lots of Yarn!) It's not sure yet exactly what the story will be though. for now, here are some collor panels of the Animatic that will be made soon.